Blessing Of Herbs On The Feast Of The Assumption

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Our help is in the name of the Lord;
Who hath made heaven and earth.
A hymn, O God, becometh Thee in Sion:
and a vow shall be paid to Thee in Jerusalem.
O hear my prayer:
all flesh shall come to Thee.
The words of the wicked have prevailed over us;
and Thou wilt pardon our transgressions.
Blessed is he whom Thou hast chosen and taken to Thee:
he shall dwell in Thy courts.
We shall be filled with the good things of Thy house:
holy is Thy temple, wonderful in justice.
Hear us O God, our Savior,
who art the hope of all the ends of the earth,
and in the sea afar off.
Thou who preparest the mountains by Thy strength,
being girded with power:
who troublest the depth of the sea,
the noise of its waves.
The Gentiles shall be troubled,
and they that dwell in the uttermost borders
shall be afraid at Thy signs:
Thou shalt make the outgoings of the morning
and of the evening to be joyful.
Thou hast visited the earth,
and hast plentifully watered it:
Thou hast in many ways enriched it.
The river of God is filled with water,
Thou hast prepared their food:
for so is its preparation.
Fill up plentifully the stream thereof,
multiply its fruits:
it shall spring up and rejoice in its showers.
Thou shalt bless the crown
of the year with Thy goodness:
and Thy fields shall be filled with plenty.
The beautiful places of the wilderness shall grow fat:
and the hills shall be girded about with joy.
The rams of the flock are clothed,
and the vales shall abound with corn:
they shall shout, yea, they shall sing a hymn.
For the Lord will give goodness;
And our earth shall yield her fruit.
Thou waterest the hills from Thy upper rooms.
The earth shall be filled with the fruit of Thy works;
Bring forth grass for cattle.
And herb for the service of men;
That Thou mayst bring bread out of the earth;
And that wine may cheer the heart of man
That he may make the face cheerful with oil;
And that bread may strengthen man’s heart.
He sent His word and healed them;
And delivered them from their destruction.

Almighty, eternal God:
by Thy word Thou hast created heaven,
earth, and the sea,
all things visible and invisible,
out of nothing;
Thou hast ordained that the earth
bring forth plants and trees
for the use of men and animals;
Thou hast decreed that each germinate
according to its nature
and bring forth fruit in due time,
and Thou hast decreed that these plants
should serve not only as food
but as medicine in time of sickness.
We humbly pray with heart and tongue
that Thou wouldst bless these various herbs and plants
and in Thy mercy
grant a new blessing upon those powers
that Thou hast caused to be inherent in these plants.
May they, therefore,
be a protection against all sickness and tribulation
when we use them for man and beast in Thy name
whose glorious Assumption we celebrate this day.

O God, who on this day didst raise the root of Jesse,
the mother of Thy Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord,
to the heights of heaven,
we humbly pray Thee,
that by her intercession
and under her protection
the fruit of her womb, Thy Son,
might be given to us mortal men,
that by the power of Thy Son
and the protection of His glorious Mother
we may be disposed to our eternal salvation
by these temporal gifts.

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O God, who didst command the children of Israel
that they should bring the sheaves of new fruits
to the priest to be blessed
and that they should rejoice before the Lord,
graciously hear our prayers and pour forth the fullness of Thy blessing
upon these fruits and herbs
which we gratefully present this day
before Thy altar.

Grant that, wherever they may be placed,
they may be a potent means
against sickness and pestilence,
against the poison of serpents
and the sting of poisonous animals,
as also against the deceits, snares,
and machinations of the devil.
Grant that we may be worthy
to be received
with our sheaves of good works into heaven
through the merits of the most Blessed Virgin Mary.

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