Josephian Rosary

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The Josephian Rosary is presented in 3 parts:

1. How to Pray the Josephian Rosary.
2. The Prayers
3. The 10 Josephian Mysteries.


To pray the Josephian Rosary, you do not need a special Rosary. You may use the 59 beads Marian Rosary.

The prayers that you must say are as follows:

Crucifix: “I believe in God…”

Large Bead: “Our Father…”

Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”

Large Bead: “Glory Be To The Father…”

(While praying the following decades, meaning 10 beads, you should medidate on the Josephian Mysteries found at the bottom of this webpage.

Medal: “Our Father…”

Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”

Large Bead: “Glory Be To The Father…” then the “Our Father…”

Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”

Large Bead: “Glory Be To The Father…” then the “Our Father…”

Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”

Large Bead: “Glory Be To The Father…” then the “Our Father…”

Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”

Large Bead: “Glory Be To The Father…” then the “Our Father…”

Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”
Small Bead: “Hail Joseph…”

Back to the medal: “Glory Be To The Father…”

Say the following prayers at the end of the Josephian Rosary.

“Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus…”

“Glorious Saint Joseph…”

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Have mercy on us.

Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Pray for Us.

Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church,
Pray for us.

Saint Michael, the Archangel,
Protect us.



I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and earth;
I believe in Jesus Christ,
His only Son, our Lord,
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day He rose again.
He ascended into Heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.



Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.



Hail, Joseph, full of grace,
The Lord is with thou.
Blessed are you among all men,
And blessed is your foster Child, Jesus.

Holy Joseph, guardian of the Son of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now, and at the hour of our death.


[Author: Catholic Doors Ministry]


Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit:
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.



Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I love You with all my heart,
Eternal Father,
Divine Son,
All powerful Spirit.

[Source: Catholic Doors Ministry]


Glorious Saint Joseph,
foster-father and protector of Jesus Christ,
to you I raise my heart and my hands
to implore your powerful intercession.
Please obtain for me from the kind Heart of Jesus
the help and the graces necessary
for my spiritual and temporal welfare.
I ask particularly for the grace of a happy death
and the special favor I now implore.

(Make your petition here…)

Guardian of the Word Incarnate,
I feel animated with confidence
that your prayers in my behalf
will be graciously heard before the throne of God.
O glorious Saint Joseph,
through the love you bear to Jesus Christ,
and for the glory of His name,
hear my prayers
and obtain my petitions.




There are 10 Josephian Mysteries. When you pray the Josephian Rosary, you can either medidate on Mysteries # 1 to 5 during the five decades of the Rosary or Mysteries # 6 to 10. It is recommended that you alternate them, the first 5 on one day, the last 5 on the following day.

The First Josephian Mystery: The Divine calling. [Mt. 1:24]
• Joseph answered God’s calling when he obeyed the angel’s message to take Mary as his spouse. Thank you Saint Joseph for having obeyed God’s messenger.

The Second Josephian Mystery: Protector of the innocent. [Mt. 1:19]
• Having learned of Mary’s pregnancy, Joseph was not willing to expose her to public disgrace. He took her as his wife, this action avoiding a public scandal and the stoning of Mary that could have been applied according to the Jewish Laws. Thank you Joseph for protecting the mother of Jesus and mankind.

The Third Josephian Mystery: The finding of a shelter. [Lk. 2:7]
• After asking for a room at the inn for the Virgin Mary who was with Child, Joseph had no choice but to accept a humble shelter where Jesus, the King of kings, was born. Oh Joseph, how heart broken you must have been when you could not find something worthy of Mary and her Child to be born.

The Fourth Josephian Mystery: The Guardian of the Child Jesus. [Mt. 1:16, 13:55]
• Joseph welcomed Jesus as his foster Son. With this decision came all the responsibilities related to being a loving and caring parent. Thank you Joseph for being a model to all the foster and adoptive parents who welcome children in their homes.

The Fifth Josephian Mystery: Obedience to the Law; The circumcision of Jesus. [Lk. 2:21; Mt. 1:21]
• Joseph obeyed the Jewish tradition, that every male child be “marked in the flesh” as a son of Abraham, a keeper of the Lord’s covenant. On the eight day after his birth, the Child was officially given the Name of Jesus. “After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.”

The Sixth Josephian Mystery: Submission to Divine Guidance. [Mt. 2:14-7]
• The Flight to Egypt. As the Guardian of the Holy Family, Joseph saved his loved ones by fleeing to Egypt with Jesus and Mary. For Herod had ordered the murder of all the children age two and under in and around Bethlehem. Thank you Saint Joseph for protecting the Holy Family.

The Seventh Josephian Mystery: The great anxiety. [Lk. 2:48]
• Returning home from the festival of the Passover in Jerusalem, Joseph, the head of the Holy Family, noticed after a day’s journey that Jesus was not around. He searched among relatives and friends. When he did not find Jesus, he returned to Jerusalem with Mary to look for Him. When Jesus was found in the Temple, Mary said to Him, “Look, your father and I have been searching for you in great anxiety.” [Lk. 2:48] One can only imagine what went through Joseph’s mind when his foster Child went missing.

The Eight Josephian Mystery: Royalty without a crown. [Mt. 1:2-16; Lk. 1:27]
• Joseph was the son of Jacob, of the house of David. He was a descendant of a royal family. Joseph was a perfect example of royal humility. Nowhere in the Holy Bible do we find a reference to Joseph attempting to claim the royal crown that he rightfully deserved.

The ninth Josephian Mystery: The restoration of God’s Kingdom on earth. [1 Sam. 8:6-7, 22; Jn. 12:12-9]

• Through Joseph, God was restored as true King on earth as He is in Heaven. Since the days of creation, God was the King of this world. In the days of Samuel, God’s people, wanting a human king, said, “Give us a king to govern over us.” In response to this, God said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you [Samuel], but they have rejected Me from being King over them. Consequently, God said to Samuel, “Listen to their voice and set a king over them.” It was not until the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem that God, through Jesus, was reinstated as the King of this world. This fulfilled the prophecy, “Do not be afraid, daughter of Zion. Look, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt!”

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The Tenth Josephian Mystery: The declaration of “Saint Joseph as the Patron of the Catholic Church.”
• In 1621, Pope Gregory XV declared the Feast of St. Joseph as a Feast of obligation. In 1726, Pope Benedict XIII inserted the name of Saint Joseph in the Litanies of the Saints. And finally, in December, 1870, according to the wish of the bishops and the faithful, Pope Pius IX declared St. Joseph as the Patron of the Catholic Church.

[Author of the Josephian Mysteries: Catholic Doors Ministry.]

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