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O God of love,
Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
on this altar behold the unbloody sacrifice
of the body and blood of Thy Son,
representing that of His most holy death and grievous passion,
which He, the great High Priest,
offered Thee on Calvary.
In consideration of this holocaust of sweet odour,
have mercy on the souls in purgatory;
open to them the gates of Heaven,
that they may love and praise Thee,
and enjoy Thee eternally in the abode of the saints.
Together with the sufferings of Thy Divine Son,
I likewise offer Thee the sorrows of His blessed mother,
whose soul was crucified at the foot of her Son’s cross;
for the lance which pierced the side and heart of Jesus,
thine adorable Son,
also transfixed the soul and heart of Mary,
according to Simeon’s prophecy,
and made her the queen of martyrs.
Behold then, O heavenly Father!
The disfigured countenance of Thy Son on the cross
and the crucified heart of His Mother at the foot of this same cross;
and by the merits of all the sufferings of that Son and that Mother,
grant eternal repose to the souls in purgatory.


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