Novena To Mary, Queen Of Apostles

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“I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will strike your head,
and you will strike his heel” (Gen 3:15).

Through God’s loving foresight,
Mary was placed, so to speak,
on a path different from that on which
all the common children of Eve,
born with original sin,
entered the world.

The new path is that of the redeemed.
The light of the cross illumined Mary’s conception,
infancy and youth.
Thus, she was worthy to be blessed among women.

Together let us honour Mary Immaculate,
Queen of Apostles,
and ask her to give Jesus Master,
Way, Truth and Life,
to all of us and to all people on earth.

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.

“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.


“The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you;
therefore the child to be born will be holy;
He will be called Son of God” (Lk 1:35).
The grace in a soul is like a root
from which a plant develops with its branches,
leaves, flowers and fruits.

Virtues grow in a soul in proportion to grace.
Thus, we understand why
Mary reached the highest degree of virtue and holiness:
because she was full of grace.
She possessed the theological,
cardinal and moral virtues,
the beatitudes
and the fruits of the Holy Spirit
to an eminent degree.

Mary is full of grace,
the creature most intimate with God,
the Blessed Mother
who gives Jesus to us
and helps us to love him.
She makes us conceive a great fear of sin
and of dangerous occasions.
She inspires in us the desire for purity and for sacrifice.

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.


“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.


“She gave birth to her firstborn Son
and wrapped him in bands of cloth,
and laid him in a manger,
because there was no place for them in the inn” (Lk 2:7).

Mary fulfills her apostolate:
to give Jesus to the Father,
to humanity, to heaven.
She presented Jesus to the Gentiles,
represented by the Magi
who came to the crib in Bethlehem.
Mary always gives Jesus.
She is like a fruitful branch.
She always carries Jesus
and offers him to us:
the Way, the Truth and the Life of humanity.

Let us pray to Mary,
the Mother of the infant Jesus,
that through her maternal intercession
we may all welcome the message from the crib:
“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace among those whom he favours!” (Lk 2:14).

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.


“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.


“This child is destined for the falling
and the rising of many in Israel,
and to be a sign that will be opposed…
and a sword will pierce your own soul too” (Lk 2:34-35).

Jesus Christ saw Mary at the foot of his cross,
sharing in His passion.
The Christian possesses an inexhaustible strength
and is able to endure great sufferings without breaking.
In suffering, a person can attain great nobility of character;
indeed, suffering becomes a real apostolate.

Let us always trustfully invoke Mary:
“Pray for us,
now and at the hour of our death.”
All to Mary, from Mary, with Mary.
She shows everyone on earth her Son.
Let us pray:
“After this our exile,
show to us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus.”

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.


“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.


“His mother treasured all these things in her heart” (Lk 2:51).

The presentation of the Lord enlightens us
to live in holiness,
detachment from worldly things,
and purity of thoughts and actions.
The child Jesus enters the temple,
takes possession of it
and will live in the Eucharist until the end of time.
Once we have known our vocation,
we must follow it
and live it faithfully until we are called to heaven.

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.


“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.


“Standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother,
and his mother’s sister,
Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary Magdalene” (Jn 19:25).

Let us look at Jesus,
He sacrificed himself on the cross.
Let us look at Mary,
she shared Christ’s mission and passion with Him.
The essence of the redemption is on Calvary,
Jesus offers himself;
Mary offers herself and her Son,
whom she loves more than herself.
Jesus is the Redeemer;
Mary, the co-redemptrix.

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.


“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.


“When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple
whom he loved standing beside her,
he said to his mother,
‘Woman, here is your son.’
Then He said to the disciple,
‘Here is your mother'” (Jn 19:26-27).

When human perversity had reached its height
and had brought about the death of our Lord;
when the Shepherd was smitten
and the entire flock
of apostles and faithful were dispersed,
Jesus Christ offered hope,
salvation, his Mother:
“Here is your mother” (Jn 19:26).

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.


“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.


“All these were constantly devoting themselves to prayer,
together with certain women,
including Mary the mother of Jesus,
as well as his brothers” (Acts 1:14).

It is clear that we have to consider
and follow Mary as our model.
She is the most holy Virgin,
the co-redemptrix and the Queen of Apostles.
She offered Jesus on Calvary,
and together with the apostles
she prayed in the cenacle to obtain the Holy Spirit.

She took care of the Church,
newly born and already persecuted.
As Mother of the Church,
she became the outstanding member
of the Mystical Body of Christ.

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.


“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.


“Mary Immaculate,
the ever-virgin Mother of God,
having finished the course of her earthly life,
was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory” (Pius XII, November, 1950).

After the death of her Son, Jesus,
Mary took care of the apostles,
especially St. John, the youngest.
She accompanied them with her prayers,
good example and maternal comfort.
Thus, Jesus willed that Mary
be with them during their first years of evangelization,
as she had accompanied him.
After her earthly pilgrimage,
her mission fulfilled,
she was assumed into heaven.
Let us think about the last day of the world.
All the elect will gloriously enter heaven,
body and soul;
thus they will have an eternal reward.

Reflection and Resolution


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles
as they were united in prayer with Mary,
the Mother of Jesus.
May the Queen of Apostles,
the same Mother of us all,
help us to serve your majesty faithfully,
and to spread the glory of Your Name
by word and example.
Through Christ our Lord.


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“Our Father…”
“Hail Mary…”
“Glory be…”

Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.

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