Novena To St. Stanislaus Papczinski (May 9 – May 18)

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[Say the following prayers daily for 9 days.]


The Almighty has done great things for me (Lk 1:49)

Lord God Almighty,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus,
who with utmost zeal took upon himself,
in the foundation of a Religious Community,
the work of spreading the honor
of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of Your Son,
grant us this grace,
that we might continually praise You for the great things
You have done for Your Saints
and permit us to enter Life
in the state of friendship with You
and in unsullied chastity.

Prayer for a special grace

Saint Stanislaus, gracious intercessor before God,
defender of the oppressed
and patron of those in mortal danger,
you always zealously served Jesus
and His Immaculate Mother
for the salvation of immortal souls,
and you took pity on every misery.
Trusting in your intercession,
I have recourse to you,
and I ask that you do not deny me your help.
By your earnest prayers,
obtain for me from God the grace…

{Mention your intentions here.]

for which I beg you with trust,
and help me, all my life long,
to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father.


Say the Our Father…

Say the Hail Mary…

Say the Glory Be…

Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession

O God, in your providence,
You have called your priest, St. Stanislaus,
to make known the honor
of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
and to assist the souls in Purgatory.
Following the example of his apostolic life,
grant, we pray,
that we may also proclaim the fullness of innocence
and sanctity of the Mother of your Son,
and invoking your mercy for the departed,
may we safely arrive at our true homeland.
Through Christ, our Lord.



His mercy is from age to age (Lk 1:50)

God, Righteous Judge,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus
who generously and in every way
hastened to assist the Souls in Purgatory,
grant that we may zealously imitate him
in this great work of mercy,
especially toward the departed most dear to us
and those who most need our spiritual help.

Say the following prayers…

The “Prayer for a special grace.”
The “Our Father…”
The “Hail Mary…”
The “Glory be to the Father…
The “Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession.”


He has shown might with his arm,
dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart (Lk 1:51)

O Jesus, our Redeemer and Master,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus
who used every occasion to proclaim the Word of God
and to bring spiritual support to people
deprived of pastoral care,
grant us the grace that we may attract other people to God
through our own word
and example of striving for holiness.

Say the following prayers…

The “Prayer for a special grace.”
The “Our Father…”
The “Hail Mary…”
The “Glory be to the Father…
The “Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession.”


He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones (Lk 1:52)

Holy Spirit of God,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus,
who throughout his life firmly defended the Catholic faith
and showed willingness
to witness to it by a martyr’s death,
grant us the grace,
that we may steadfastly grow in faith
and courageously profess it in every moment of life.

Say the following prayers…

The “Prayer for a special grace.”
The “Our Father…”
The “Hail Mary…”
The “Glory be to the Father…
The “Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession.”


The hungry he has filled with good things;
the rich he has sent away empty (Lk 1:53)

God our Father,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus
who trusting in the help of Your Providence,
in spite of many obstacles,
by Your inspiration,
founded and strengthened,
the Congregation of the Immaculate Conception
of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary,
grant us the grace,
that we may distinguish ourselves
by an unyielding trust in Your omnipotence,
goodness, and fidelity,
especially when You guide us on the difficult road
toward the wonderful promises of Your love.

Say the following prayers…

The “Prayer for a special grace.”
The “Our Father…”
The “Hail Mary…”
The “Glory be to the Father…
The “Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession.”


Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy (Mt 5:7)

God, Father of Mercy,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus
whose love for You showed itself most eloquently
in his daily and sacrificial practices of works of mercy,
grant us the grace that we may always
and generously imitate him
in the active love of our neighbor.

Say the following prayers…

The “Prayer for a special grace.”
The “Our Father…”
The “Hail Mary…”
The “Glory be to the Father…
The “Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession.”


Whoever listens to you, listens to me (Lk 10:16)

Lord, You Who are a faithful God,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus,
who always formed his life and works
in a filial submission to the Successor of St. Peter,
grant us the grace that we may persevere
in our faithfulness to God, the Cross,
and the Gospels through our perfect obedience to the Church.

Say the following prayers…

The “Prayer for a special grace.”
The “Our Father…”
The “Hail Mary…”
The “Glory be to the Father…
The “Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession.”


Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for their is the kingdom of heaven (Mt 5:3)

Lord, You who love us,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus
who freely embraced an austere
and mortified life in utmost poverty,
so as to give himself to You
with all his heart and soul,
grant us the grace,
that we may courageously resist the craving of money
and sinful pleasures,
striving for the freedom of spirit in Your truth and love.

Say the following prayers…

The “Prayer for a special grace.”
The “Our Father…”
The “Hail Mary…”
The “Glory be to the Father…
The “Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession.”


Take courage, it is I (Mt 14:27)

God, from Whom everything takes its beginning
and to Whom everything returns,
look upon Your Servant St. Stanislaus who,
by the example of his life,
gave us a model of total trust in Your holy Providence,
grant us the grace that we may confidently place
in Your merciful hands our past and future,
our whole life,
allowing You to lead us
along the evangelical road to Your home in heaven.

Say the following prayers…

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The “Prayer for a special grace.”
The “Our Father…”
The “Hail Mary…”
The “Glory be to the Father…
The “Prayer through St. Stanislaus’ intercession.”

[Please send information about graces received from God through the intercession of St. Stanislaus to: Vice-Postulator of Marian Canonization Causes, 2 Prospect Hill Road, Stockbridge, MA 01262, e-mail: ]

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