Blessed Saint Joseph,
your intercession can make possible impossible things
come to help me in these moments of anguish and hardship.
Take under your protection
the difficult and grave situations I commend to you,
so they have a happy solution according to God’s will.
My beloved father:
I trust you entirely
and abandon myself as a small child
sleeping in his dad’s arms.
Don't miss the opportunity to strengthen your faith and inspire those around you with our top picks of highly recommended Catholic books. #CommissionsEarned
The Early Church Was the Catholic Church
The Case for Catholicism - Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections
Meeting the Protestant Challenge: How to Answer 50 Biblical Objections to Catholic Beliefs
The Early Church Was the Catholic Church
The Case for Catholicism - Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections
Meeting the Protestant Challenge: How to Answer 50 Biblical Objections to Catholic Beliefs
That could not be said I appealed to you in vain.
And as you, through the Lord,
can everything accomplish in front of Jesus and Mary,
show me your kindness is as greater as your power.
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